REC Hundsheim

The renewable energy community “Energiegemeinschaft Hundsheim” was established in October 2023 to increase the energy independency within the municipality Hundsheim. The municipality is a member of the KEM Carnuntum (climate and energy model region). 

Hundsheim is a relatively small municipality in Lower Austria, with round about 650 residents. Due to the recent investments in photovoltaic plants on public buildings, the ambitious municipality was able to install over 60 kWp PV-power in 2023. In the first step, the energy community uses the electric energy produced within the community to support the public buildings and gain a better insight of the energy consumption and production data. In the second step, when all the organisational questions are sorted, the community plans to invite residents, farmers, and companies to join the energy community and increase the energy self-sufficiency within the municipality. The roll-out is planned to proceed step-by-step, to maintain an even balance between electrical production and consumption.


“The renewable energy community Hundsheim is the first step towards the vision of a sustainable and energy self-sufficient municipality.”

- Gerhard Math mayor of the municipality Hundsheim


Location Hundsheim, Austria
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures Photovoltaics
Installed capacity Around 60 kWp
Number of members Six people – within the Community Council of Hundsheim
Regional scope Local renewable energy community
Activities in the energy community Planning the involvement process for the residents, how to engage certain target groups