The information on this website is subject to an imprint, a copyright notice, a disclaimer notice, provisions concerning the protection of person-related data as well as to a note on gender-neutral formulations.
Österreichische Energieagentur – Austrian Energy Agency
Mariahilfer Straße 136
1150 Vienna
Tel: +43 (0)1-586 15 24-0
Fax: +43 (0)1-586 15 24-340
Email: office(at)energyagency.at
Register of Associations (ZVR) no. 914305190
Data Processing Register (DVR) no. 0682730
VAT (UID) no. ATU 36817502
Managing Director: Franz Angerer
This website provides information about the SHAREs project which is funded by the European Commission.
© Österreichische Energieagentur – Austrian Energy Agency
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The Energy Agency can give no warranty that the version of a document available online is identical to the official version. Only legislation of the Republic of Austria, which is usually published in print in the Federal Law Gazette ("Bundesgesetzblatt der Republik Österreich") following the applicable legal provisions, is deemed authentic.
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Personal data protection
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On webpages that require such information, you can read more about the use of your data in their specific privacy policy statements.
Notice on gender-neutral formulation
Even where gender-neutral formulations are not explicitly used in the text, all gender-specific terms are to be considered to refer to both the feminine and the masculine form.