Municipality Heiligenbrunn

Heiligenbrunn is a municipality of 743 inhabitants located in southern Burgenland close to the Hungarian border. It is part of the energy model region ökoenergieland - an association of 19 municipalities working together in the fields of renewable energy, tourism, mobility, education and nature protection. To achieve their common goals, the municipalities are supported by the European Centre for Renewable Energy Güssing. The SHAREs project supports the expansion of the energy community to include cross-border activities with the nearby Hungarian municipality of Körmend.

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Location Heiligenbrunn, Austria
Used energy generation technologies PV systems
Installed capacity 30 kWp
Number of members 4 municipal buildings: kindergarten, fire brigade, waste disposal sites
Regional scope Local
Activities in the energy community Establishing an active energy community Cross-border activities with neighbouring Hungarian municipality Körmend



updated Dec. 2023