Energy Community Sakasheti IDP (GE)
The Sakasheti IDP settlement is in the village Sakasheti where households from Eredvi and Kurta municipality are internally displaced due to the occupation of those municipality territories because of Russia-Georgian war in 2008. Due to its social importance and with the help of the Lithuanian Embassy in Georgia, Eredvi Municipality installed 150 kWp solar system for 81 IDP households in Sakasheti. Total investment amounted to 346,000 Euro where 10% was Eredvi municipality’s contribution. It should be noted that within this investment 130 kWp solar PVs were also installed for the IDP households in the village Skra.
Currently, the solar PV system is owned and maintained by the municipality and there is no contribution from the households. A formal agreement between the municipality and households is in place but does not cover all necessary issues. The electricity generated from the PV system is equally distributed among IDP households. Within the SHAREs project, AYPEG supports Eredvi Municipality and Sakasheti IDPs to establish the first community in Georgia. The goal of the municipality is to transfer PV panels to the community which will own, operate and maintain solar PV system as well as create the community’s legal basis and organisational structure taking into consideration principles of collective action/energy community.
Sakasheti IDP’s Solar Panels

Location | Sakasheti, Georgia |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | PV |
Installed capacity | maximum of 150 kWp |
Number of members | 81 households |
Regional scope | local |
Activities in the energy community | establishment of the first energy community/collective action in Georgia |