REC Energiepark Bruck
The renewable energy community (REC) “Energiegemeinschaft Energiepark Bruck” was established to gain first-hand knowledge and insights of the functionality and possibilities of renewable energy communities. The REC Energiepark Bruck consists of members of the Energiepark Bruck board, employees, as well as local businesses such as the “Organic Farm Metzker”. The primary aim of the energy community was to gain knowledge of the administrative barriers and get a practical perspective of the process of creating RECs in Austria. The REC is currently powered by 200 kWp PV-plants, installed on roofs of the private houses or companies of the REC-members. Further aims of the REC include gaining experience and understanding of REC operation and creating profit for REC members using local renewable energy.
Energiepark Bruck offered to act as mentor/pioneer for pilots in partner countries. The initial contact was set up in the study tour, when they hosted the partner’s pilots and presented their concept (Energiepark Bruck) for an entire day.

“Renewable Energy Communities are a new possibility to increase the involvement process of the population and therefore support the development of renewable energies.”
- Ralf Roggenbauer “Future-Ralf” Energiepark Bruck/Leitha

Location | Bruck an der Leitha, Austria |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | Photovoltaics |
Installed capacity | Around 200 kWp |
Number of members | 15 |
Regional scope | Citizen energy community, not founded yet |
Activities in the energy community | Planning a balanced energy consumption between energy consumption and energy production |
updated Dec. 2023