City of Göttingen (DE)
Göttingen, a science city in southern Lower Saxony with a population of about 119,000, is characterised above all by its high proportion of students and its wide range of cultural activities. The Georg August University, founded in 1737, has already attracted 44 Nobel Prize winners. Our contact person from the City of Göttingen (Amelie Möller, employee of the Department of Sustainable Urban Development) serves as a mutual point of contact for SHAREs and the local energy communities. Currently, there are six energy communities in the region of Göttingen with a total of 1,586 members. All the energy communities were represented at SHAREs meetings. 1 of them was able to expand their number of members during the SHAREs project and the newest one was just founded in November 2023. On request of the SHAREs workgroup Göttingen, a ”Runder Tisch Energiegemeinschaften Göttingen” (Round Table Energy Communities Göttingen) has been initiated. The committee held its first meeting in July 2023 and will continue as a collaboration on exchange on experience and representation of interests of both existing and future energy communities as well as other renewable energy related actions. In the following section, we will introduce both the committee and the two energy communities.
Stadt Göttingen © L. Gerhardts ”Gänseliesel”

"Energy communities can make an important contribution to the decentralised energy transition. Citizens can participate directly and locally, which increases the acceptance of a local energy transition. To promote energy communities, it is important to identify potentials and obstacles and to point out steps for action, which reinforces our motivation to participate in the SHAREs project".
- Dinah Epperlein, Head of the Department for Sustainable Urban Development of the City of Göttingen

Factsheet energy community (ec) EVA Göttingen
Location | Göttingen region, Germany |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | Wind energy |
Installed capacity | 2,000 kWp |
Number of members | ca. 500 |
Regional scope | regional |
Factsheet ec Bürger Energie Harz eG
Location | Göttingen region, Germany |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | PV |
Installed capacity | 450 kWp |
Number of members | 424 |
Regional scope | regional |
Factsheet ec Windkraft Diemarden
Location | Göttingen region, Germany |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | Wind energy |
Installed capacity | 19,500 kWp |
Number of members | 360 |
Regional scope | regional |
Factsheet ec Erneuerbare Energien Göttingen
Location | Göttingen region, Germany |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | PV |
Installed capacity | 266 kWp |
Number of members | 46 |
Regional scope | regional |
Factsheet ec Energie-Projekte-Eichsfeld GmbH
Location | Göttingen region, Germany |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | PV |
Installed capacity | 4,100 kWp |
Number of members | 57 |
Regional scope | regional |
Factsheet energy community Bürger Energie Göttingen
Location | Göttingen region, Germany |
Used energy generation technologies / implemented energy efficiency measures | PV |
Installed capacity | - |
Number of members | 182 |
Regional scope | regional |