Information session and training for the 6th EUCF call


The information session and training on the European City Facility Mechanism took place on January 31st, 2024, conducted online via Teams. The event aimed to inform municipal administration officials and consultants about the sixth call for applications under the EUCF. The session provided a comprehensive overview of the European mechanism and offered practical guidance on completing the application form. Moreover, it showcased successful Bulgarian projects that have benefitted from this support in previous years.

The presentation of Lyubimka Georgieva (BSERC expert) further enhanced the discussion by exploring the role of municipalities in energy community initiatives as innovative measures for sustainable energy usage. It detailed the activities municipalities could undertake within an energy community framework, leveraging insights from the current national legal framework. Emphasis was placed on the economic development and regional impact benefits for municipalities engaging in such initiatives. Drawing from successful examples in Austria and Germany, drawn from the SHAREs project study tour, the presenter underscored the potential for impactful municipal participation. Finally, attendees were directed to the National Gateway as a place to access and discover more information about energy communities.

The event provided a valuable platform for stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experiences related to energy communities and strategies for enhancing energy efficiency across Bulgarian municipalities.