Energy Efficiency of Housing - Opportunities and Realities for Bulgarian Households


Within the framework of the closing event of the Horizon 2020 project "CLEAR-X - Consumers Leading the EU's Energy Ambition Response, Expansion", organized by Bulgarian National Association "Active Users", a public discussion addressing the opportunities and challenges for Bulgarian households in investing in RES and energy-efficient technologies took place. The engaging dialogue featured active participation from representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Economic and Social Council, as well as experts and representatives from non-governmental organizations, including the Black Sea Energy Research Centre (BSERC), Habitat for Humanity Bulgaria, Earth Association, Sofia Energy Agency SOFENA, and others. During the discussion, various topics related to accelerating the transition to high energy efficiency, decarbonization, improving the energy comfort of Bulgarian households, sharing successful European practices and projects related to strengthening the role of Bulgarian households in the field of energy transition were explored.

As part of it, Lyubimka Georgieva (BSERC) contributed to the discussion by presenting the goals and progress of the SHAREs project, offering insights into several tested models for citizen-led collective actions in Bulgaria supported by SHAREs. Additionally, L. Georgieva highlighted valuable sources of information, such as the National Gateway and video podcasts featuring Bulgarian participants from the study tour in Austria and Germany, organized as part of the project's mentoring activities. 

Finally, participants collaboratively prepared a formal letter addressed to policymakers, presenting proposals related to energy efficiency measures, renewable energy sources, and households.