Annual Conference of the Association of the Bulgarian Energy Agencies 2023


​​In July 2023 the manager of BSERC Mr. Angel Nikolaev took part in the summer annual meeting of the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies (ABEA). The main theme of the event was "Energy Transition and the role of energy agencies and centres in Bulgaria", which was discussed among energy experts from different local associations and a representative of the Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA). The different aspects of the topic were grouped in six panels - 1) Training for energy auditors, 2) Training for energy auditors, teachers and youth, 3) Energy planning and management at the local and national level and the challenges of the energy transition in Bulgaria, 4) Creation and development of energy communities in Bulgaria, 5) The role of women in the energy transition, and 6) Information day on the POWERPOOR project.  

​The results of the intensive work on the SHAREs project over the past year were presented within the framework of the fourth panel, which was dedicated to the ongoing projects in Bulgaria related to energy communities. The audience was introduced to the basic concepts and objectives of SHAREs and the progress reached to this stage. In addition, the content of each section of the Bulgarian Gateway was observed and feedback from the experts was collected. In the end, the presentation gradually turned into lively discussion during which aspects covered in the Handbook of identified barriers and enablers were also concerned.